LLI Week

Dear Parents,

We’re continuing with this homework plan.

  • Reread story. Respond to prompt in composition book. Write two vocabulary sentences.
  • Study on Quizlet.
  • Grammar: break down into three equal pieces. Do the first piece tonight.
  • Nightly math homework.

  • Reread story. Write two vocabulary sentences.
  • Study on Quizlet.
  • Grammar: Use the broken down pieces. Do the second piece tonight.
  • Nightly math homework.

  • Reread story. Respond to prompt in composition book. Write last vocabulary sentence.
  • Study on Quizlet.
  • Grammar: Use the broken down pieces. Finish tonight. Grammar is due on Thursday.
  • Nightly math homework.

  • Reread story. Read over sentences for quality, editing goals and the 10 word minimum.
  • Study on Quizlet.
  • Nightly math homework.

Hey, did you know?
  • You can go to http://www.wordsmyth.net/ with your Vocabulary and find example sentences.
  • We use Snappy Words and Thesaurus.com as classroom tools for vocabulary work. You can too.
  • Every week’s Vocabulary title is the same as what they read in class on Monday. It is also another way to find the word list in Quizlet. I’m klynch192, then search the title (it's on top of the homework sentence page with the link.)
  • TTQA means to turn the question around. Comprehension answers need to start off with TTQA. Your child's comprehension packet and journal has a list of sentence starters to help with the TTQA format.
Why do we reread the passage every night?

To build fluency.
Screenshot 2015-12-18 at 9.32.31 AM.png

Screenshot 2015-12-17 at 2.52.08 PM.png

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